

Oracle19cと21cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その3~

前回に続き、Oracle Database19cと21cの隠しパラメータを比較した結果のうち、21cで新規に登場した隠しパラメータについての纏め。


5.新規隠しパラメータ(_a* ~ _f*)

新規の隠しパラメータは625個存在し、_a* ~ _f*な隠しパラメータは220個存在した。

パラメータ名 デフォルト値 ALTER SESSION ALTER SYSTEM パラメータ概要
_actgrp_spawn_offload TRUE FALSE FALSE action group spawn offload
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_evaluation_fraction 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE Serial/parallel log writer evaluation fraction (in 10000ths)
_adaptive_scalable_log_writer_evaluation_interval 60 FALSE IMMEDIATE Serial/parallel log writer evaluation interval (in seconds)
_age_block_batch_timeout_ms 1000 FALSE IMMEDIATE timeout before shipping out the batched age blockmessages in milliseconds
_alert_segment_size 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE Alert-log segment size in MBs (1024*1024)
_alert_segment_textfile FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Alert-log text-file also to be segmented
_alert_segments_max 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Alert-log max segments to retain, 0 for unlimited
_allow_cross_version_chunk_move FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Oracle internal parameter
_allow_fallback_to_dbkey FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, allow fallback to dbkey
_allow_privileged_session_dblink_conn FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow privileged session for dblink connection
_allow_synonym_for_credential TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Allow public/private synonym for scheduler credential
_allow_triggers_on_vpd_table FALSE FALSE FALSE Allow triggers on VPD protected table in DML
_allow_xdb_anonymous_logon FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow XDB anonymous logon
_allowed_pvf_owners   FALSE IMMEDIATE List of schemas allowed to own password verification function
_aq_queue_global_service NONE FALSE IMMEDIATE AQ queue global service
_aq_tm_processes_dump_interval 12 FALSE IMMEDIATE Time(minutes) between consecutive Dumps in alert log
_aqsharded_cached_hint 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE sharded queue cached hint
_aqsharded_enq_fresh_ptn_reload TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE start enqueueing to a fresh partition on reload
_aqsharded_lowmem_timeout 1000 FALSE IMMEDIATE sharded queue low mem timeout (in centiseconds)
_aqsharded_reload_tune 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE sharded queue tune reload behaviour
_asm_allow_appliance_offlineonline FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow OFFLINE/ONLINE DISK/FAILUREGROUP on ASM Appliances
_asm_buffer_overlap_tracer FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enables kfioBufOverlapTracer
_asm_diskgroup_renew_timeout 20 FALSE IMMEDIATE timeout FENC will give former ASMB group owner to renew
_asm_dump_split_pw 10 TRUE IMMEDIATE Seconds to wait before requesting dump of split pending writes
_asm_enable_map_share TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable ASM extent map share
_asm_enable_vfreloc_on_rm FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable voting file relocation on rolling migration
_asm_frag_threshold 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE Percentage threshold before disk/diskgroup is deemed fragmented
_asm_hard_check TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE H.A.R.D. check buffer before write operation
_asm_iosfailover_freq 3 FALSE IMMEDIATE Frequency limit after which db gives up on failing over to IOS
_asm_iosfailover_timeout 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE Time window within which db tries to failover to IOS
_asm_max_kfsg_free_heap_perc 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE Max percentage of SGA memory reserved for kfsga free heap
_asm_max_kfsg_free_heap_size 524288000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Max buffer size reserved for kfsga free heap
_asm_max_occupied 90 FALSE IMMEDIATE Maximum percentage of disk occupied to check for fragmentation
_asm_min_occupied 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE Minimum percentage of disk occupied to check for fragmentation
_asm_node_number   FALSE IMMEDIATE ASM node number
_asm_offline_wait_timeout 300 TRUE IMMEDIATE Timeout for offline wait
_asm_ownerid_trace_timeout 600 FALSE IMMEDIATE ownerid tracing threshold in seconds
_asm_pst_rsinfo 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE file redundancies to consider during PST liveness checks
_asm_scrub_max_cod_wait 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE Number of minutes to delay scrub COD recovery
_asm_shared_pool_latch_timeout 30 FALSE IMMEDIATE seconds before terminating inst if ASMB is waiting for shared pool latch during shutdown
_asm_showpdb_asmtbl FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Allow asm table values to be shown in pdb
_asm_slow_client_timeout_percentage 50 TRUE IMMEDIATE Percentage of the write cancel timeout to detect slow client.
_asm_write_cancel_timeout_percentage 30 FALSE IMMEDIATE Percentage of the write timeout to wait before optional offline
_asm_xrov_cachelgio 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE ADVM cache large IO
_assert_single_current_buffer FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, check and assert only one current buffer
_assm_auto_tracing_threshold 10000 TRUE IMMEDIATE ASSM threshold to start space search tracing
_auto_mv_enabled FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable/disable Auto MV logic in the sql access advisor
_autoptn_costing FALSE TRUE FALSE DBMS_AUTO_PARTITION is compiling query for cost estimates
_autoptn_flags 0 TRUE FALSE DBMS_AUTO_PARTITION flags
_autoptn_translate_table_name   TRUE FALSE DBMS_AUTO_PARTITION table name translation
_autoptn_workload_id 0 TRUE FALSE DBMS_AUTO_PARTITION workload id
_autosts_capture_control 3 TRUE IMMEDIATE internal controls for auto STS capture
_autosts_long_interval 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Auto STS long flush interval
_autosts_retention_interval 31 FALSE IMMEDIATE Auto STS retention interval
_autosts_short_interval 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE Auto STS short flush interval
_aux_storage_size 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Auxillary storage for PDB.
_awr_data_masking FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable/Disable AWR data masking functionality
_backup_interrupt_wait_time 1000 TRUE IMMEDIATE specifies interrupt wait time in centi seconds
_bct_public_dba_buffer_dynresize_delay 3600 TRUE IMMEDIATE control frequency of dynamic resizing of public dba buffers
_bigdata_offload_flag FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE BigDataSQL offload flag
_block_change_tracking_file   FALSE IMMEDIATE file location for broker to reenable BCT
_blockchain_forced_off NOT_SET TRUE IMMEDIATE force off blockchain
_blockchain_txn_apis_enabled TRUE FALSE FALSE If true, the txn layer blockchain API'S kick in
_blockchain_txn_test_lvl 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE blockchain txn test lvl
_blockchainHeapSize 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Set the heap size in bytes for blockchain
_blockchainTracing 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Set tracing for blockchain
_boc_mode AUTO FALSE FALSE Broadcast-on-commit mode
_boc_rdma_wait_time 0 FALSE FALSE BOC RDMA busy wait time (microseconds)
_buffer_requests_to_drain 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE Buffer for requests to drain before planned failover
_bug30932330_forceopen_bind_undotbs FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE one-hundred-and-forty-fifth spare parameter - boolean
_bug31789178_asm_quorum_hb FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow Quorum Disk Heartbeat
_bug31828999_lm_nodrm_service_pct 95 TRUE IMMEDIATE minimum nonsingleton service access percentage to disable drm
_bug31918168_keusp_stream_batch_size DEFAULT TRUE IMMEDIATE Number of KEUSP buffers to flush in a stream batch
_bug31990919_keusp_max_num_alloc_buf DEFAULT TRUE IMMEDIATE Maximum number of KEUSP buffers in shared memory
_bug32093558_j0_deq_maxwait_time 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE eighth spare parameter - integer
_bug32093558_srvntfn_max_job_time 180 TRUE IMMEDIATE seventh spare parameter - integer
_bug32171622_asm_reloc_restart_timeout 900 FALSE IMMEDIATE csecs before signaling ORA-15424 when waiting for orphans
_bug32183142_hang_fast_track_progressing_sessions FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Hang Management fast-track progressing sessions enabled
_bug32498459_max_small_page_sga_size 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Maximum SGA size with small pages
_bug32533019_DON_for_update_enabled FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Default on null for update feature enabled
_bypass_sensitive_context FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE bypass sensitive handling for specific SYS_CONTEXT() parameters
_cache_fusion_pipelined_updates_enable TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable smart fusion block transfer
_cdb_init_batch_size 100 TRUE IMMEDIATE Batch size for reading pdb info during CDB mount
_cdb_svlt_use_tcps FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Use TCPS for CDB Servlet
_cell_metadata_compression AUTO TRUE IMMEDIATE Cell metadata compression strategy
_cell_offload_vector_groupby_external TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable cell offload of vector group by with external tables
_cgs_clscevents_dumpinterval 600 FALSE IMMEDIATE cgs clsce events statistics dump interval in seconds
_cgs_publish_netinfo_collect_event_chmjf TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable cgs publish collect_netinfo event to event stream for CHM with CHM'S JASON format
_cgs_publish_netinfo_collect_event_chmjf_batchsz 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE batch size of cgs events publishing to CHM in json format via clsce event stream
_cgs_query_net_interface SCLSI FALSE FALSE api to query network interface
_cloud_mandatory_profile_setup FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Mandatory Profile Setup for Multitenant Cloud Environment
_cloudsql_offload_enabled FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable CloudSQL cell offload support
_cluster_database_instances   FALSE FALSE number of instances to use for sizing cluster db SGA structures
_connstr_test_param 0 TRUE FALSE connect string workload behavior spare param
_consensus_follower_election_timeout 12000 TRUE IMMEDIATE consensus follower's election timeout
_consensus_leader_heartbeat_interval 6000 TRUE IMMEDIATE consensus leader's heartbeat interval
_consensus_leader_maximum_heartbeats   TRUE IMMEDIATE consensus leader's maximum heartbeats
_consensus_queue_maximum_elements 10 TRUE IMMEDIATE consensus queue maximum elements
_consensus_slaves_maximum_count 5 TRUE IMMEDIATE consensus slaves maximum count
_cp_del_free_sess TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE connection pool: delete free sessions when at PDB limit
_cp_del_free_sess_limit_secs 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE connection pool: delete free sessions time limit (in seconds)
_cputime_limit_parallel_fptr 60 FALSE IMMEDIATE CPU-time limit for for parallel first-pass recovery
_create_pdb_disable_mirror_reads FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Disable mirror reads during create pdb
_create_pdb_flashback_barrier FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE force flashback barrier for create pdb
_cross_con_remove_pushed_preds FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE remove pushed predicates from query fetching across containers
_ctas_numfrags_hint 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Hint for number of partition fragments to be loaded in a CTAS
_ctex_fk_copy_mode 1 TRUE IMMEDIATE Create table for exchange Copy mode for referential constraints
_datapump_bypass_tstz_check FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Bypass Data Pump TSTZ version checking during import.
_datapump_hide_cdb_warning FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Hide Data Pump warning for CDB$ROOT and PDB$SEED
_db_cache_advice_size_submultiple 10 FALSE FALSE cache advisory size submultiple
_db_cache_pmem_confidence_try 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE DB Cache PMEM buffer promote attempts for greater confidence
_db_cache_pmem_promotion_touch_rate_reset_interval 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE DB Cache PMEM promotion touch rate reset interval in sec
_db_cache_pmem_promotion_touch_rate_threshold_time 30 FALSE IMMEDIATE DB Cache PMEM promotion touch rate threshold time in sec
_db_cache_pmem_touch_rate_compare_per 95 FALSE IMMEDIATE DB Cache PMEM buffer touch rate additive percentage when comparingagainst dram touch rate
_db_cache_pmemp_len 10000 FALSE IMMEDIATE DB Cache PMEM promotion list max length
_db_cache_xmem_promotion_algo_chosen 38 FALSE IMMEDIATE DB Cache Xmem/Pmem promotion algo
_db_nvm_promotion_deferred_tchcnt 195 FALSE FALSE touch count threshold which allows deferred background based nvm buffer promotion
_db_pmem_auto_resize_interval 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE PMEM auto resize interval in minutes
_db_pmem_direct_map_size 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Size of direct mappable PMEM buffer cache
_db_replay_security_config   FALSE IMMEDIATE Database Replay Security Configuration
_dbnest_resource_opts 0 FALSE FALSE dbNest - resource options
_dbnest_skip_fed_root TRUE FALSE FALSE Fed root is skipped so CDB nest is root of all pdbs
_dbopen_breakpoint none FALSE IMMEDIATE ALTER DATABASE OPEN codepath breakpoint
_dbreplay_mpk_key   FALSE IMMEDIATE Database Replay Package Key
_ddlapply_enable FALSE FALSE FALSE DDL VIA APPLY Enable
_default_ini_trans_index 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Default value of INI_TRANS enforced by DWCS lockdown for indexes
_default_ini_trans_table 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Default value of INI_TRANS enforced by DWCS lockdown for tables
_default_oracle_fs_type ofs FALSE IMMEDIATE default file system type for an oracle file system
_default_service TRUE FALSE FALSE Run default service
_defer_rcv_pdb_attach TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Defer PDB domain attach in instance recovery
_defer_rewrap_controlfile_key_history FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, defer rewrap control file TS keys under next PDB open
_dgb_dgpdb_appst NONE FALSE IMMEDIATE DGPDBs with apply state off
_dgpdb_file_name_convert   FALSE IMMEDIATE datafile name convert patterns and strings for per PDB standby
_dgpdb_file_name_convert   FALSE IMMEDIATE datafile name convert patterns and strings for per PDB standby
_dgpdb_standby_controlfile_name dgpdb_temp_copy_cf_%u_stby_%u_%u.cf FALSE FALSE a name template with three %u's for DGPDB standby controlfile
_direct_io_via_mapped_pmem TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, direct path I/O will attempt to memory map files on PMEM
_disable_block_corruption_track FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable block corruption tracking
_disable_foreign_scn_adjust FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Disable foreign SCN adjustment
_disable_ilm_internal FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Force disable internal ilm stats and drop ilm segment
_disable_last_successful_login_time FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Disable writing Last Successful Login Time to USER$
_disable_mandatory_profile_onclone FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Disable Mandatory Profile check on clone of a PDB
_disable_marking_noops FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Don't mark any captured statements as no-ops.
_disable_orphan_pdb_recovery FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Disable PDB PITR/FB to orphan PDB incarnation
_disable_pdb_space_check FALSE TRUE FALSE Disable pdb storage usage check in the session
_disable_sga_filedel FALSE FALSE FALSE disable deletion of files used for SGA
_dmm_ser_test 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Stress testing for serialized models
_dmm_xgboost_max_memory 1000000000 TRUE IMMEDIATE xgboost maximum memory
_dp_force_length_semantics NONE FALSE IMMEDIATE Force nls length semantics
_dynamic_hash_bucket_array TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE dynamic hash bucket array
_dynamic_processes_force_timeout 6 FALSE IMMEDIATE dynamic process force timeout
_dynamic_processes_max_oom_timeout 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE dynamic process max timeout for out of memory
_dynamic_processes_wait_timeout 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE dynamic process wait timeout for new process
_eighteenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE eighteenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_eighth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE eighth spare pdb parameter - integer
_eleventh_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE eleventh spare pdb parameter - integer
_enable_block_level_transaction_recovery TRUE FALSE DEFERRED enable block level recovery
_enable_bug_29838374 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE enable/disable bug fix 29838374
_enable_cdb_all_sync FALSE TRUE FALSE Is CDB-wide ALL sync enabled
_enable_dbwr_parallel_invalidations TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, enables flush and invalidate by DBWRs
_enable_dynamic_processes FALSE FALSE FALSE dynamic process SOs
_enable_fsdirect_odmlib TRUE FALSE FALSE enable or disable FsDirect static ODM library
_enable_fsdirect_pin TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable direct pin of FsDirect blocks
_enable_fsdirect_rac FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable FsDirect in RAC
_enable_gsm_listener_networks TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE gsm listener in listener networks
_enable_ignorable_error_capture FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Capture statement if error is ignorable
_enable_increase_lms_process TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE set to true to allow _increase_lms_process changes
_enable_load_from_clone TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Is load from a Root Clone allowed
_enable_log_memory_protection_key TRUE FALSE FALSE enable memory protection keys (log)
_enable_memory_protection_keys FALSE FALSE FALSE Enable memory protection keys usage
_enable_mle TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable MLE
_enable_pdb_skiplist_recovery TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable pdb skip list setup during media recovery.
_enable_pdb_skiplist_redogen TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable pdb skip list setup during redo generation.
_enable_per_container_acl FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable Per Container ACL
_enable_perpdb_suplog FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE per pdb supplemental logging
_enable_pmem_direct_cache TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, enable PMEM direct mapped buffers
_enable_pmem_exchange TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, enable PMEM exchange during promotion
_enable_pmem_prefetch FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, enable prefecting from PMEM
_enable_ptime_update_for_sys FALSE FALSE FALSE Enable/Disable update of user$ for sys
_enable_tenant_id_check FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable Tenant Id check for database link
_enable_tenant_id_transfer FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable Tenant Id transfer
_enable_unified_memory FALSE FALSE FALSE Enable use of unified PGA pool
_endprot_stack_segments FALSE FALSE FALSE overrun protection for kgh stack segments
_enforce_minimum_password_rollover_time TRUE FALSE FALSE Enforce minimum PASSWORD_ROLLOVER_TIME of one hour
_enqueue_wall_clock_time FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, use KSUFTIME timer
_exa_pmemlog_threshold_usec 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE maximum i/o time (usecs) for enabled Exadata PMEMLog
_failover_svrcsum FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable server checksum to optimize failover
_fb_log_max_rereads 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE Maximum number of rereads after reading a corrupt flashback block
_fb_recovery_slave_count 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Number of recovery slaves to be used by the FLASHBACK DATABASE
_fbda_adv_gbl_bscn_bcast_interval 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE flashback archiver broadcast interval to advance global barrier SCN
_ffs_in_range_scan_threshold 50 TRUE IMMEDIATE threshold of min percentage of block read to use ffs in rs
_fifteenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE fifteenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_fifth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE fifth spare pdb parameter - integer
_fiftieth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE fiftieth spare pdb parameter - string list
_fifty-eighth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-eighth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_fifty-fifth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-fifth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_fifty-fourth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-fourth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_fifty-ninth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-ninth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_fifty-seventh_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-seventh spare pdb parameter - boolean
_fifty-sixth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-sixth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_fifty-third_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE fifty-third spare pdb parameter - boolean
_first_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE first spare pdb parameter - integer
_fixup_all_apps FALSE TRUE FALSE Callback to fix up replay state of all applications
_fixup_app_pdb_status_in_root   TRUE IMMEDIATE application name whose PDB application status should be fixed up
_fixup_cdb_apps FALSE TRUE FALSE Callback to fix up replay state of CDB-wide applications
_force_dax_io_err 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Force I/O error on online/standby redo log
_force_pmem_direct_mapped_cache_scan TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, force PMEM mapped direct path scan to cache path scan
_forced_endian_type UNKNOWN FALSE IMMEDIATE Forced endian type of data dictionary
_fortieth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE fortieth spare pdb parameter - string
_forty-eighth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-eighth spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-fifth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-fifth spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-first_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-first spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-fourth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-fourth spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-ninth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-ninth spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-second_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-second spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-seventh_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-seventh spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-sixth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-sixth spare pdb parameter - string list
_forty-third_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE forty-third spare pdb parameter - string list
_fourteenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE fourteenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_fourth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE fourth spare pdb parameter - integer
_fsdirect_fast_file_create TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow optimized file creation path for FsDirects





前回の記事:Oracle19cと21cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その2~