

Oracle19cと21cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その5~

前回に続き、Oracle Database19cと21cの隠しパラメータを比較した結果の纏め。今回は19cと比較して21cで新規に登場した隠しパラメータのうち、_o~_zから始まる隠しパラメータを記載する。


5.新規隠しパラメータ(_o* ~ _z*)

新規の隠しパラメータは625個存在し、_o* ~ _z*な隠しパラメータは182個存在した。

パラメータ名 デフォルト値 ALTER SESSION ALTER SYSTEM パラメータ概要
_object_activity_control 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE controls tracing for object activity tracking system (OATS)
_object_activity_disable 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE disables some object activity tracking (OATS)
_object_activity_tracking TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable object activity tracking system (OATS)
_obsolete_result_cache_mode MANUAL TRUE IMMEDIATE USERS SHOULD NOT SET THIS! Used for old qksced parameterof result_cache_mode
_ofs_read_buffer_size 1031680 FALSE IMMEDIATE OFS read ahead buffer size in bytes
_onl_ddl_progress 3 TRUE IMMEDIATE track progress of online ddl
_onl_pmo_wait_query 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE online pmos wait for queries after swapping partitions
_onl_pmo_wait_timeout 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE online pmos wait for queries after swapping partitions timeout
_online_pmo_global_index_method CLEANUP ONLY TRUE IMMEDIATE Unique global index method for partition maintenance DDLs
_optimize_dvconfig_cloudpdb FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Optimize Database Vault setup for cloud PDB
_optimizer_exists_to_any_rewrite TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE consider exists-to-any rewrite of subqueries
_optimizer_nested_loop_join on TRUE IMMEDIATE favor/unfavor nested loop join
_optimizer_unnest_update_set_subq on TRUE IMMEDIATE enables unnesting of subquery in set for update
_optimizer_use_stats_models FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE use optimizer statistics extrapolation models
_optimizer_wc_filter_pushdown TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable/disable with clause filter predicate pushdown
_oracle_script_counter 0 TRUE FALSE Helper parameter to set the value of _oracle_script counter
_partial_log_preserve_space TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE use only required space for partial archive logs
_path_prefix_create_dir TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Create path in file system for CREATE DIRECTORY with PATH_PREFIX
_pdb_char_set_intconv FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enforce internal_convert for PDB character set conversion
_pdb_clone_preserve_guid FALSE TRUE FALSE Use same guid for a pdb clone
_pdb_create_use_sysoper_conn FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE spread file copy slaves across instances
_pdb_datapatch_violation_restricted TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Open pdb in restricted mode for datapatch error violation
_pdb_file_copy_affinitize FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE spread file copy slaves across instances
_pdb_file_copy_buffers 8 TRUE IMMEDIATE number of buffers to use for pdb file copy
_pdb_force_cfd FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Force DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST path for all datafiles in PDB
_pdb_hybrid_read_only FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Hybrid read only mode allows CDB common user to patch the PDB
_pdb_ktg_buffer_size 16 TRUE IMMEDIATE KTG buffer size (in KB) to store inmemory traces
_pdb_oper_trace_threshold 600 TRUE IMMEDIATE PDB operations timing trace threshold
_pdb_oper_trace_threshold_softassert FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE PDB operations timing threshold soft assert
_pdb_read_only_refresh FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE allow refresh when pdb is open r/o
_pdb_refresh_apply_master_key_rekey TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Apply master rekey marker during pdb refresh
_pdb_refresh_use_dblink_to_catalog FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Use central catalog for pdb refresh
_pdb_refresh_use_local_logs TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Use local logs for pdb refresh
_pdb_small_table_threshold   FALSE FALSE lower threshold level of table size for direct reads in a pdb
_pdb_transition_clean_bg_delay 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE delay in GEN0 to transition PDB to clean state
_pmem_exchange_cold_victim_threshold 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE worthy touch count threshold for a victim buffer to be exchanged into pmem
_pmem_small_table_threshold 20 TRUE DEFERRED lower threshold of PMEM table size as percentage to PMEM cache for direct reads
_pmemfs_alloc_dataptrs 1 TRUE IMMEDIATE Set PMEMfs to preallocate inode tree
_pmemfs_enable_spacetracking FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable PMEMfs Space Accounting Checks
_pmemfs_shrink_level 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable pmemstore shrink
_pmemfs_smallfile_threshold 1024 FALSE IMMEDIATE Block count threshold for metedata
_post_run_job_evaluation FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Control if jobs should evaluate at end of execution
_pqq_pdb_load_publish_threshold 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE difference in percentage controlling PDB load publish
_process_max_pred_increase 20000 FALSE IMMEDIATE process SO max predicted increase
_process_percent_rampup_end 10000 FALSE FALSE process SO percent rampup end
_process_percent_rampup_start 1000 FALSE FALSE process SO percent rampup start
_process_prediction_failover_buffer 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE process prediction failover buffer
_process_save_prediction FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE save process prediction for next instance startup
_process_so_max_inc 20000 FALSE IMMEDIATE process SO max inc
_profile_sensitive_users   FALSE IMMEDIATE Database Users with restricted password profile
_psdclog_enable FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Mandatory Cloud Logging of PL/SQL Utility Packages Usages
_psdclog_threshold 10 TRUE IMMEDIATE Threshold for Cloud Logging of PL/SQL Utility Packages Usages
_psr_opt enable feature FALSE IMMEDIATE options for standby pdb recovery
_px_adaptive_dist_nij_enabled on TRUE IMMEDIATE enable adaptive distribution methods for left non-inner joins
_px_extended_join_skew_handling TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enables extended skew handling for parallel joins
_px_oneslave_per_instance_parse TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE send parse to one slave per instance
_px_parallelize_non_native_datatype TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable parallelization for non-native datatypes
_remote_http_port 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE HTTP port number registered with remote listener
_reset_increase_lmd_process TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE set to true to allow reset of _increase_lmd_process changes
_reset_increase_lms_process TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE set to true to allow reset of _increase_lms_process changes
_result_cache_do_recycle_period 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE Timeout value for DOs added through invalidation
_result_cache_global_send TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Is global send conditional in RAC?
_result_cache_history_size 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE memory used to track PL/SQL function history
_result_cache_latch_count 0 FALSE FALSE number of result cache latches
_result_cache_load_rate 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE Simulated global load rate (bytes per 1/100 sec)
_result_cache_object_black_list 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE object numbers not allowed to use the result cache
_result_cache_use_hash_table TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE whether to use hash table for object tracking
_rollback_segment_count 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE number of undo segments
_root_clone_skip_trigger TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Skip trigger in Application Root Clone
_rsrc_cpu_count 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE CPU Count for allocating resources.
_runtime_index_key_length_check 0 TRUE FALSE allow runtime checking of index key length
_runtime_limit_parallel_fptr 60 FALSE IMMEDIATE run-time limit for for parallel first-pass recovery
_second_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE second spare pdb parameter - integer
_securefile_shrink_enable_nowaitlck FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable Securefile Shrink NOWAIT row locking
_securefile_shrink_hash_table_limit 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE Size limit on Securefile Lob Shrink state Hash table
_securefiles_dealloc_cfs 0 FALSE FALSE securefiles deallocate directly to CFS
_sess_sign_num_pools 16 FALSE FALSE session signature: number of pools
_sess_template_all_overflow FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE session template: put all attributes into overflow
_sess_template_cache_buckets 128 FALSE FALSE session template: number of cache buckets
_sess_template_enabled TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE session template: enabled
_sess_template_max_cache_size 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE session template: max cache size (in 1/100% of SGA)
_sess_template_new_lists 16 FALSE FALSE session template: number of new lists
_sess_template_purge_time_mins 60 FALSE IMMEDIATE session template: purge time (in minutes)
_sess_template_spares TRUE FALSE FALSE session template: spares
_session_limit_percent_cap 25 FALSE IMMEDIATE session limit percent cap
_session_modp_list 2 FALSE IMMEDIATE send session's modified parameter list to client
_session_so_max_inc 20000 FALSE IMMEDIATE session SO max inc
_seventeenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE seventeenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_seventh_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE seventh spare pdb parameter - integer
_seventieth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE seventieth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_shard_ddl_policy ASYNC TRUE IMMEDIATE DDL execution mode for shards
_shard_sesscache_cnt 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE enable session caching for shard SQL
_singleton_service_goodness_disabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE singleton srvc goodness
_sixteenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE sixteenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_sixth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE sixth spare pdb parameter - integer
_sixtieth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixtieth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-eighth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-eighth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-fifth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-fifth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-first_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-first spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-fourth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-fourth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-ninth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-ninth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-second_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-second spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-seventh_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-seventh spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-sixth_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-sixth spare pdb parameter - boolean
_sixty-third_spare_pdb_parameter TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE sixty-third spare pdb parameter - boolean
_skip_oradism_check FALSE FALSE FALSE Switch on all features for the purpose of testing
_skip_sequence_cache_close_immediate FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Skip sequence cache flush on pdb shutdown immediate
_smon_ofd_sleep_interval 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE smon sleep internval for undo ofd test
_spec_replace_locks_body TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Lock body when replacing a package specification
_sqlexec_aggregation_settings 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE runtime settings for aggregation
_sqlexec_hash_aggr_small_mem_blocks 2 TRUE IMMEDIATE hash aggregation small initial memory footprint number of blocks
_sqlexec_hash_based_distagg_ser_civ_enabled TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable hash based distinct aggregation in serial/CIV queries
_sqlexec_hash_based_set_operation_enabled TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable/disable hash based set operation
_sqlexec_hash_rollup_enabled TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable hash rollup
_sqlexec_use_delayed_unpacking TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable/disable the usage of delayed unpacking
_STFForceTranslateOracleSQL FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE translation profile will translate Oracle SQL statements
_strict_utl_http_smtp TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enforce strict URL checks on UTL_HTTP and UTL_SMTP Packages
_subquery_pruning_flags 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE subquery pruning flags
_swat_ver_mv_knob 0 TRUE FALSE Knob to control MV/REWRITE behavior
_symbol_no_translation FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable symbol tranlations in call stacks
_sync_error_handler   TRUE IMMEDIATE error handler function for Application Sync
_synchronous_rewrap_rac_ts_keys FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, synchronously rewrap TS keys in all nodes in MK rekey
_system_memory_simulate FALSE FALSE FALSE system memory simulation mode, TRUE for hugetlbfs simulation
_tcpinfo_statistics_save_atexit FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE TCP Info Statistics Save At Exit
_temp_undo_disable_refresh_clone TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE is temp undo disabled on refreshable clone PDB
_tenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE tenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_test_flashback_shrink 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE test flashback datafile shrink feature
_test_flashback_shrink 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE test flashback datafile shrink feature
_test_param_13 FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE test parmeter 13 - boolean
_test_param_14 NONE TRUE IMMEDIATE test parmeter 14 - string list
_test_param_15 50 TRUE IMMEDIATE test parmeter 15 - integer
_test_param_4_1 NONE TRUE FALSE test parameter 4_1 - nonsys mod. string list
_test_param_pdb_spare   TRUE IMMEDIATE test parameter pdb spare
_test_param_spare   TRUE IMMEDIATE test parameter spare
_third_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE third spare pdb parameter - integer
_thirteenth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirteenth spare pdb parameter - integer
_thirtieth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirtieth spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-eighth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-eighth spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-fifth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-fifth spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-first_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-first spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-fourth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-fourth spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-ninth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-ninth spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-second_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-second spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-seventh_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-seventh spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-sixth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-sixth spare pdb parameter - string
_thirty-third_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE thirty-third spare pdb parameter - string
_trace_suppress   TRUE IMMEDIATE suppresses matching trace for a given substring(prefix)
_trace_suppress_disable FALSE FALSE FALSE Disable trace suppress feature
_ttc_annotations_level 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE enable ttc annotations
_twelfth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twelfth spare pdb parameter - integer
_twentieth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twentieth spare pdb parameter - integer
_twenty-eighth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-eighth spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-fifth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-fifth spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-first_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-first spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-fourth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-fourth spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-ninth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-ninth spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-second_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-second spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-seventh_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-seventh spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-sixth_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-sixth spare pdb parameter - string
_twenty-third_spare_pdb_parameter   TRUE IMMEDIATE twenty-third spare pdb parameter - string
_txn_spare1 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE transaction spare variable1
_txn_spare2 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE transaction spare variable2
_txn_spare3 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE transaction spare variable3
_undo_ofd_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable ordered offline drop of undo segments for datafile shrink
_undo_ofd_excess 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE percent of excess undo segments to offline or drop
_undo_ofd_reserve 30 FALSE IMMEDIATE percent of excess undo segments to keep online
_unified_pga_block_size 262144 FALSE FALSE Unified PGA internal block size
_unified_pga_gran_free_timeout 3000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Granule free timeout
_unified_pga_gran_leak_timeout 180000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Granule leak timeout
_unified_pga_list_count 16 FALSE FALSE Unified PGA internal list count
_unified_pga_max_pool_size 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE max size in bytes of the unified pga pool
_upgrade_pdb_on_open TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable upgrading a PDB automatically on open
_ut_fast_lrg_prediction FALSE FALSE FALSE use short interval for session SO prediction
_utlfile_dirpath FALSE FALSE FALSE return Utl_File Accessible
_uts_disable_client_ip_trace FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Disables the printing of client IP address in trace files
_uts_force_seclabel_prefix FALSE FALSE FALSE Force output of trace record security label prefix
_verify_undo_quota FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE TRUE - verify consistency of undo quota statistics
_write_renamed_datafile_name FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE print renamed datafile names to alert log
_xs_sidp_allow_sha1 TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE XS SIDP allow use of SHA1
_zonemap_auto_candidate_table_min_size 5000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Minimum size for a table to be candidate for an automatic zonemap
_zonemap_auto_clustering_ratio 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE Data clustering ratio in percent for automatic zonemap columns
_zonemap_refresh_within_load TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Control the refresh of basic zonemaps during/after data load


最後に。隠しパラメータの変更した場合、製品サポートを受けられなくなる可能性があるため、実際に変更する際は、Oracle Databaseのサポート契約先に問合せした後に実施することをお勧めする。





前回の記事Oracle19cと21cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その4~