

Oracle19cと23cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その4~

前回に続き、Oracle Database19cと23cと比較して、23cで新規に登場した隠しパラメータのうち_g~_kで始まる隠しパラメータを記載する。


5.新規隠しパラメータ(_g* ~ _k*)

新規の隠しパラメータは1388個存在しており、_g* ~ _k*な隠しパラメータは382個存在した。

パラメータ名 デフォルト値 ALTER SESSION ALTER SYSTEM パラメータ概要
_gc_disable_cell_populate FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, disable cell ram cache populate
_gc_down_convert_after_write TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, down-convert lock after a write
_gc_fast_index_split_timeout 100 FALSE FALSE fast index split wait timeout
_gc_fg_rollback TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, fg does rollback instead of cr server
_gc_first_dirty_pi_merge_switch_current TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE First dirty pi merge switch current
_gc_interrupt_wait_time 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE How long to wait for requests to complete after interrupt
_gc_rdma_connections 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE maximum number of buffer cache RDMA connections
_gc_timestamps 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Add timestamps to cache fusion messages
_gc_undo_header_rdma_read TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, rdma read of undo headers is enabled
_gcr_change_cached_types TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE allow automatic changes to cached resource types
_gcr_ckptmon_stall_time 900 FALSE IMMEDIATE CKPT Monitor stall time (secs)
_gcr_ckptmon_trace_time 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE CKPT Monitor trace time (secs)
_gcr_disabled_actions   FALSE FALSE gcr disabled actions list
_gcr_disabled_metrics   FALSE FALSE gcr disabled metrics list
_gcr_enable_async_helpers TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, GCR will spawn helper actions asynchronously
_gcr_enable_ktfbue_gather_stats TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable/disable gather stats on X$KTFBUE
_gcr_enable_pdb_abort FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, GCR will process pdb abort messages
_gcr_ges_cachedres_mult 20 FALSE IMMEDIATE ges cached resources multiplier
_gcr_ges_longchain_mult 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE ges longchain multiplier
_gcr_ges_res_cache_percent_threshold 40 FALSE IMMEDIATE percentage resource cache usage threshold
_gcr_high_cpwt_threshold 30 FALSE IMMEDIATE longest tolerable ctwr process waits time
_gcr_high_fbwt_threshold 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE longest tolerable free buffer waits time
_gcr_high_hashlist_latch_nowait_misses 10000 FALSE IMMEDIATE highest hash list get nowait fails tolerable
_gcr_high_hashlist_latch_wait_misses 10000 FALSE IMMEDIATE highest hash list get wait fails tolerable
_gcr_high_lfsci_threshold 1800 FALSE IMMEDIATE longest tolerable log file switch (checkpoint incomplete) wait
_gcr_min_cache_reuse 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE minimum cache reuse rate threshold
_gcr_min_free_swap_limit 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE limit for minimum free swap space before flagging an error
_gcr_smf FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable memory information sharing using node shared memory
_gcs_current_rdma 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE if greater than 0, rdma read of current blocks is enabled
_gcs_current_rdma_grant_global TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, enable rdma read of current blocks for global role
_gcs_dynamic_sga_preference 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE gcs dynamic sga preference
_gcs_kjbdump_threshold 60 TRUE IMMEDIATE threshold timeout to dont dump proc in kjbdmp in seconds
_gcs_max_antilocks_unmount_inst 10000 FALSE IMMEDIATE maximum number of anti-locks at unmount instance per LMS
_gcs_res_freelists 8 FALSE FALSE number of gcs resource freelists per LMS
_gcs_spin_check_instance_threshold 60 TRUE IMMEDIATE threshold timeout to dump proc in spin check in seconds
_gcs_spin_check_threshold 4096 TRUE IMMEDIATE spin check attempt count
_gcs_spin_check_time_interval 300 TRUE IMMEDIATE spin check time interval in seconds
_gcs_verify_antilock FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, enable anti-lock check
_ges_aggr_cache_clnup_intvl 25 FALSE IMMEDIATE aggressive cache clean-up interval (in secs) before FG steal
_ges_debug_acks FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Event to debug acks from bcast resource
_ges_max_avg_hash_chainlen 6 FALSE IMMEDIATE maximum average length of GES hash chains
_ges_max_hash_resizes 0 FALSE FALSE maximum number of GES hash expansions
_ges_num_aggr_cache_clnup 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE number of aggressive cache clean-up before FG steal
_ges_optimizations 7 FALSE IMMEDIATE GES optimizations level
_granularity_last_successful_login_time 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Granularity (in sec) for writing Last Successful Login Time to USER$
_gsm_local_users FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE create GSM local users
_gsm_srvctl_diag_time 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE gsm invoked srvctl pre-timeout diagnostic time
_gsm_srvctl_timeout 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE gsm invoked srvctl timeout
_gwm_disable_ra FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Oracle internal parameter
_gwm_enable_ioft FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow instead of triggers in sharding
_gwm_force_sync_duptab FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE force synchronous on creating duplicated table
_gwm_lagtype   FALSE IMMEDIATE gsm lag type
_gwm_max_start_catddlid 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE max ddl_id on catalog at startup.
_gwm_spare1   FALSE IMMEDIATE gsm spare 1
_gwm_sr_ddlsync_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable sr ddl synchronization in oracle sharding
_gwm_sys_ddl 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE allow DDL as SYS
_gwm_use_srvctl 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE use srvctl for service mnagement
_gwr_apply_streams_max_memory 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE SNR Apply max memory percentage
_gwr_hb_loss 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE SNR heartbeat loss timeout, csecs
_gwr_lcr_cksum TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable native sharding replication lcr checksum
_gws_catalog_wallet 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE the sharding catalog has a wallet
_gws_directory_sharding 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE directory-based sharding
_gws_encddl 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Encrypt DDL text.
_hang_analyze_elapsed_time_limit 1800 FALSE IMMEDIATE Hang Analyze elapsed time limit in seconds
_hang_analyze_oradebug_time_limit 900 FALSE IMMEDIATE timeout for oradebug invoked hang analysis
_hang_bool_spare3 TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver bool 3
_hang_bool_spare4 TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver bool 4
_hang_cpu_hung_thresh_sec 120 FALSE IMMEDIATE Hang Manager threshold for resmgr:cpu quantum
_hang_fast_track_critical_database_processes_enabled FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver fast-track critical database processes enabled
_hang_fast_track_progressing_sessions FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver fast-track progressing sessions enabled
_hang_fast_tracked_hang_verification_interval 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver fast-track hang verification interval
_hang_int_spare3 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver int 3
_hang_int_spare4 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver int 4
_hang_low_wait_time_cutoff 6 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver low wait time cutoff in seconds
_hang_lsr_trigger_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver lsr trigger enabled
_hang_mark_some_idle_waits_terminal FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver mark some wait events as terminal waits
_hang_max_local_db_clients_allowed 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver maximum local db clients allowed
_hang_parsing_hangs_resolution_interval 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver parsing hangs resolution interval
_hang_prog_ft_critical_db_proc_verification_interval 900 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver progressing, fast-tracked critical db process verification interval
_hang_px_resolution_on_asm_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver px resolution on ASM enabled
_hang_resolution_partial_hangs_on_asm_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver resolution of partial hangs on ASM enabled
_hang_sess_enq_wait_blocked_session_threshold 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver session enqueue wait blocked session threshold
_hang_sess_enq_wait_resltn_trig_time 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver session enqueue wait resolution trigger time
_hang_session_scan_update_hb_interval 6000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Blocker Resolver session scan update heartbeat interval
_hanganalyze_strip_offset TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, strips offsets from short stack from HA wait chains
_hcs_disable_all_qry_optz FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE skip all query optimization on generated SQL
_hcs_disable_av_sql_hint FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable analytic view sql hint
_hcs_disable_basetbl_transform FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable base table transform
_hcs_disable_calc_union_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable calc union optimization
_hcs_disable_dt_opt_cell_qry FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable cell query optimizations for datatype queries
_hcs_disable_dtmall_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable determine all optimization
_hcs_disable_merge_fltr_star_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable merge filter star optimization
_hcs_disable_mv_dense_join_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable move dense join optimization
_hcs_disable_mv_reparse_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable mv reparse optimization
_hcs_disable_no_bdfltrd_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE apply no base data filtered optimization
_hcs_disable_prune_unslvd_star_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable prune unsolved star optimization
_hcs_disable_remoteaggr_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable remote aggr optimization
_hcs_disable_smooth_noop_descendants FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE perform smooth no-op descendants
_hcs_disable_use_cache_star_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable use cache star optimization
_hcs_disable_xform_gby FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable transform group by
_hcs_disable_xjoin_tgt_depths_opt FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE disable xjoin target depths optimization
_hcs_enable_av_auto_cache TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable AV auto-cache
_hcs_enable_code_trc_call_stack FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable code trace stack
_hcs_enable_cube_join FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable cube join
_hcs_enable_fusion_code FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable avtune legacy code path for Fusion
_hcs_enable_listagg_order FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable listagg order
_hcs_enable_mem_code_trc FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable memory code tracing
_hcs_enable_time_code_trc FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable timing code tracing
_hcs_log_max_segments 1000 FALSE IMMEDIATE maximum number of HCS log segments, 0 for unlimited
_hcs_log_segment_size 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE HCS log segment size in MB
_hcs_max_mdx_cursors 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE maximum number of MDX cursors
_hcs_mdx_sim_sga_alloc_err NONE TRUE DEFERRED simulate mdx sga allocation error
_hcs_mdx_sim_so_fail FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE simulate state object failure
_hcs_mdx_sleep_loc NONE TRUE DEFERRED mdx location to sleep for testing
_hcs_purge_dims_hiers FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE purge dims and hiers on DDL operations
_hcs_sim_no_chgtrck FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE simulates missing change tracking table metadata
_hcs_sim_no_cont_obj FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE simulates missing container_obj# metadata
_hcs_sim_no_dense FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE simulates missing dense metadata
_hcs_sim_pga_expr_parse_err FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE simulate PGA expression parse error
_hcs_sim_sqlopt_err FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE simulate sql optimization error
_hidden_parameter_check_control WARNING FALSE IMMEDIATE diagnostics control for privilege violation
_honor_maxfsize_autoextend_on FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Honor maxsize of file when autoextend is on
_host_internal_gateway   TRUE IMMEDIATE host name of Internal Gateway host
_hstpr_prediction_interval 10080 FALSE IMMEDIATE resource SO prediction interval
_hstpr_use_linear_prediction TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE use session SO lin-reg prediction
_hstpr_use_periodic_prediction TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE use session SO periodic prediction
_http_db_service FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Use HTTP DB Service
_http_port 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE HTTP port number registered with local listener
_hybrid_table_hidden_column FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable hidden columns for hybrid table
_idle_session_scan_frequency 60 FALSE IMMEDIATE Idle session scan frequency (in seconds)
_if_not_exists_enabled TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable IF [NOT] EXISTS feature
_ignore_pdb_listener FALSE FALSE FALSE ignore pdb listener
_ignore_svc_name_conv_mismatch FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Suppress ORA-65174 for service_name_convert clause mismatch
_im_graph_table off TRUE IMMEDIATE parameter to control in-memory execution of GRAPH_TABLE
_im_graph_table_exec_control 0 TRUE FALSE in-memory GRAPH_TABLE execution parameters override
_im_graph_table_max_num_threads 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE number of threads for parallel GRAPH_TABLE in-memory execution
_imado_disable_cdbaim FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Disable CDB AIM
_imado_dml_const 100 TRUE IMMEDIATE AIM DML model overhead constant
_imado_enable_coloptim TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable AIM Column level optimizations
_imado_enable_imadv TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable IM Size Advisor View
_imado_enhancements 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE AIM enhancements
_imga_batch_size 1024 TRUE IMMEDIATE Number of elements per task when running graph algorithms
_imga_disable FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Disable in-memory execution of graph algorithms
_imgt_enabled FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE If true, the In-Memory Graph Topology (IMGT) is enabled
_imgt_suppress_gc FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE If true, the IMGT GC is disabled
_implicit_ssl_wallet TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Implicitly use SSL Wallet for UTL_HTTP request
_imr_slave_debug 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE IMR slave debug flags
_imr1_slave 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE IMR1 slave
_imtxnrma_table_flags 0 FALSE FALSE In-Memory RMA Txn Table cache Flags
_increase_lmd_process 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE modifying this hidden parameter, will modify the numberof lmd process by the valueof this parameter
_index_coalesce_delete_block_only FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE index coalesce mode to only delete empty leaf blocks
_index_coalesce_max_redo_size_target 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE target for maximum redo generated by index coalesce
_index_load_block_check FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Perform block checking during direct load of index blocks
_index_mvi_oltp_advanced_high FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable compression advanced high for multi-value indexes
_index_pk_using_nonunique FALSE TRUE FALSE index primary key using non unique index
_index_relax_unique_const FALSE TRUE FALSE index relax unique index constraint
_inmemory_area_autotune TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, allow imc to grow/shrink in broker's auto tuning.
_inmemory_bf_disable_threshold 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Threshold to disable IM bloom filter
_inmemory_bg_max_growstep 134217728 FALSE IMMEDIATE max grow step size for im grow in bg
_inmemory_credential 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable in-memory resource principals
_inmemory_dbg_retry_ext FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Debug retry load inmemory extern table
_inmemory_dynamic_scans_result_buffers 5000 TRUE IMMEDIATE No. of LWT allocated result buffers per thread
_inmemory_enable_bg_resize 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE IMA enable background resize operation
_inmemory_enable_bg_step_grow 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE IMA enable background resize step grow
_inmemory_enable_shrink 1 TRUE IMMEDIATE IMA enable shrink support
_inmemory_enable_tiny_im FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE IMA enable tiny IM support
_inmemory_enabled FALSE FALSE FALSE enable in-memory
_inmemory_fs_imco_timeout 120000 TRUE IMMEDIATE InMemory FastStart IMCO wait timeout in Gen-0
_inmemory_fs_test_flags 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE InMemory FastStart testing flags
_inmemory_gd_sym_dict_flags 1 TRUE IMMEDIATE Inmemory GD symbol dictionary flags
_inmemory_graph_pop_fg FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE If true, all graph populations are performed in foreground
_inmemory_hpk4sql_debug 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL debug
_inmemory_hpk4sql_filter_threshold 1 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL filter threshold
_inmemory_hpk4sql_flags 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL flags
_inmemory_hpk4sql_kv_seg_size 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL kv segment size
_inmemory_hpk4sql_partbuf_maxrow 1024 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL partbuf maxrow
_inmemory_hpk4sql_partbuf_minrow 8 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL partbuf minrow
_inmemory_hpk4sql_pushdown_level 65535 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-Memory HPK4SQL maximun pushdown level
_inmemory_hwm_expansion_rac 0 FALSE FALSE If 0, the highwatermark CU is dropped when expanded
_inmemory_hwm_inv_blocks_threshold 64 FALSE IMMEDIATE If 0, expansion will occur even for very small hwm imcu
_inmemory_hybrid_selectivity_threshold 37 TRUE IMMEDIATE Selectivity threshold for a qualifying query to enable hybrid IM scans
_inmemory_hybridexa_enable TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Inmemory Hybrid Exa Enabled
_inmemory_max_pga_usage_percent 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE Allowed PGA usage for IME creation as a percent of hard maximum
_inmemory_max_pga_usage_percol 20 FALSE IMMEDIATE Allowed PGA usage (in MB) for IME creation per column
_inmemory_metadata_pct 0 FALSE FALSE controls the pct of IM metadata space
_inmemory_opaque_contig_space_percent 80 FALSE IMMEDIATE Contiguous memory for opaque VC as a percent of hard maximum
_inmemory_optimized_date 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Creates hidden virtual columns for accelerating date queries
_inmemory_populate_blocks_threshold 8 FALSE IMMEDIATE If 0, scan triggers populate for any missing blocks
_inmemory_populate_test_flags 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE In-memory populate test flags
_inmemory_private_journal_aonumbkts 16 FALSE IMMEDIATE Number of priv jrnl anchor object ht bkts
_inmemory_private_journal_dynamic TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE If true, dynamic sizing will be enabled
_inmemory_private_journal_grplen 64 FALSE IMMEDIATE Number of blocks per PJ group
_inmemory_racgd_flags 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Inmemory distributed GD flags
_inmemory_racgd_verify_populate FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Inmemory RACGD Populate Verify
_inmemory_rw_pool 5 FALSE FALSE controls the use of the IM rw pool
_inmemory_shrink 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE In-memory shrink
_inmemory_shrink_cleanout_timeout 180 TRUE IMMEDIATE IMCO shrink cleanout timeout
_inmemory_shrink_control_flags 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE In-memory shrink control flags
_inmemory_shrink_gc_retries 3 FALSE IMMEDIATE In-memory shrink gc retries
_inmemory_shrink_test_flags 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE In-memory shrink test flags
_inmemory_size_enable_shrink TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE if TRUE, allow broker to shrink imc during auto tuning.
_inmemory_succesive_bg_rsz_interval 9000 FALSE IMMEDIATE broker inmemory resize success intervals .
_inmemory_trickle_populate TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable inmemory trickle populate
_inmemory_xt_virtual_columns DISABLE FALSE IMMEDIATE Controls which user-defined VCs in external tables are stored in-memory
_instant_file_create_exascale FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable instant file creation on Exascale
_iot_overflow_tblspace_user_default FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE creates IOT overflow segment in user's default tablespace
_ipacl_feature_control_flags 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE 0x01 - enable ACL feature
_ipc_emu_aop_timeout 0 FALSE FALSE static emu AOP tinmeout
_ipc_trace_limit   FALSE FALSE Configure LOG trace limits per second for IPC
_j0_deq_maxwait_time 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE max wait for dequeues scheduled via scheduler jobs
_job_notification_handler_owners   FALSE IMMEDIATE List of schemas allowed to own job notification handler
_jobs_allowed_for_common_user FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable/disable common user jobs to run when job_queue_processes=0
_json_qryovergen_rewrite TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable/disable JSON query over generation function rewrite
_ka_lma_msg_wait_count 100 FALSE FALSE KA maximum number of requests to retrieve per OSD wait by LMA
_ka_lma_wait_time 200 FALSE FALSE KA wait time for skjcxWait call by LMA process in microseconds
_kcb_reused_max 0 FALSE FALSE reused array max parameter
_kcc_aging_cool_count 1 FALSE FALSE Touch count set when buffer cooled
_kcc_aging_freeze_cr FALSE FALSE FALSE Make buffers always be too cold to keep in cache
_kcc_aging_hot_criteria 2 FALSE FALSE Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list
_kcc_aging_stay_count 0 FALSE FALSE Touch count set when buffer moved to head of replacement list
_kcc_aging_touch_time 3 FALSE FALSE Touch count which sends a buffer to head of replacement list
_kcc_percent_hot_default 50 FALSE FALSE Percent of default buffer pool considered hot
_kcfis_largemd_bfquota_kb 16384 TRUE IMMEDIATE Smart IO operation bloom filter metadata size in KBs
_kcfis_largemd_compressed_kb 20480 TRUE IMMEDIATE Smart IO operation maximum compressed metadata size in KBs
_kcfis_largemd_enabled TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE Smart IO operation large metadata supported enabled
_kcfis_max_ioctl_buffers 100 TRUE IMMEDIATE Sets the maximum number of IOCTL buffers in kcfis
_kcmi_debug 0 FALSE FALSE Use alert log instead of debug.log
_kcrfwrma_flags 0 FALSE FALSE KCRFWRMA Flags
_kdfip_iga_adpt_amm_intr 30 FALSE FALSE memopt w adaptive memory manager task internval
_kdfip_iga_adpt_dec_ldpr 50 FALSE FALSE memopt w adaptive decrement load percent
_kdfip_iga_adpt_dec_pr 5 FALSE FALSE memopt w adaptive decrement percent
_kdfip_iga_adpt_inc_ldpr 75 FALSE FALSE memopt w adaptive increment load percent
_kdfip_iga_adpt_inc_pr 25 FALSE FALSE memopt w adaptive increment percent
_kdfip_iga_adpt_maxsz 0 FALSE FALSE memopt w max adaptive global area size
_kdfip_iga_adpt_mem_ret 3 FALSE FALSE memopt w global area memory retention cycle
_kdlf_direct_inode_path TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable kdlf direct inode path for vanilla lobs
_kdlf_fast_move_compressed_lob TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE kdlf fast move commpressed lobs
_kdlf_layers_cache TRUE TRUE FALSE enable kdlf securefiles layers cache
_kdlf_new_compression_adv TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable new compression advisor for lobs
_kdlf_track_itrcnt 200 TRUE IMMEDIATE Change the no of iterations to track
_kdli_adaptive_cache_inode TRUE TRUE FALSE enable adaptive inode cache
_kdli_adpt_sio_mem TRUE TRUE FALSE adaptive sio memory buffer
_kdli_cache_hless_limit 4 TRUE FALSE #of extents to cache headless inode
_kdli_cache_inode_off_limit 8192 TRUE FALSE cache_off limit for adaptive inode cache
_kdlu_timer_dmp FALSE TRUE FALSE dump inode timers on session termination
_kdlwp_memory_check TRUE TRUE FALSE bug 31354021: memory diagnostics
_kdlwp_multi_wgc TRUE TRUE FALSE enable multiple wgc
_kdlxp_cmpappopt TRUE TRUE FALSE New securefile compression algorithms
_kdlxp_lz4zstdcmpalgos TRUE TRUE FALSE New securefile compression algorithms
_kdmado_partial_pop_backoff_mb 64 TRUE IMMEDIATE AIM Backoff for partial populate
_kdmado_st_txn_test 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE AIM HT ST_TXN parameter for testing
_kdmado_wt_txn_test 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE AIM HT WT_TXN parameter for testing
_kdmimadv_constant_speed FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Allow AIM algorithm
_kdzado_postdm_on FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable kdzado post dm actions
_kdzf_columnar_cache default TRUE IMMEDIATE Enable Columnar Flash Cache String Mode
_kebm_autotask_cont_resource_schedule FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable/disable container resource schedule
_kebm_preshut_act_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable/disable MMON Pre-shutdown Action
_keep_relocated_source_pdb FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Move source pdb to unplugged state after relocation
_kerberos_debug 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable debug trace for Kerberos
_kerberos_per_pdb TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable per-PDB Kerberos
_kerberos_service_host   TRUE IMMEDIATE service host for Kerberos
_keusp_max_num_alloc_buf DEFAULT FALSE IMMEDIATE Maximum number of KEUSP buffers in shared memory
_keusp_stream_batch_size DEFAULT FALSE IMMEDIATE Number of KEUSP buffers to flush in a stream batch
_kffmof_fprate 1 FALSE FALSE acceptable false positive rate [1-10000] of the kffmof bloom filter
_kffmof_size 1048576 FALSE FALSE number of entries of the kffmof opened files bloom filter
_kffmop_list_check FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE enable PGA mop list sanity check
_kghdsidx_lp_count 1 FALSE FALSE number of child latches for large pool and shared with Java pool
_kghdsidx_numa_count 1 FALSE FALSE number of child latches for NUMA pools
_kghdsidx_sp_count 1 FALSE FALSE number of child latches for shared pool and shared with Java pool
_kghdsidx_streams_count 1 FALSE FALSE number of child latches for Streams pool
_kgl_4021_assert_on_oso FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Raise soft assert on hitting ORA-4021 for Oracle supplied object
_kgl_assert_x_pin FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE assert if KGL takes an X-pin on PL/SQL
_kgl_bucket_bitvector TRUE FALSE FALSE Enable creation of PDB bit vector in KGL Hash Buckets
_kgl_bucket_bitvector_clear TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Enable clearing library cache bucket bit vector
_kgl_final_blocker_kill_begin_time 2 TRUE IMMEDIATE time to wait in minutes before start killing blockers
_kgl_kill_final_blocker FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE controls feature to kill KGL X lock/pin blockers
_kgl_max_hot_cursors_factor 25 FALSE FALSE Factor to compute max num of cursors that can be marked hot
_kgl_max_wait_time_during_kill 15 TRUE IMMEDIATE max time to wait to get unblocked while killing blockers
_kgrk_configs NONE FALSE FALSE kgrk additional configurations
_kill_session_alert 5 FALSE IMMEDIATE Kill session to alert log
_kill_session_force FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE override session kill default to force
_kjac_direct_path_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE If direct path is enabled for TG
_kjac_purge_limit 50000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Max number of LTXID_TRANS rows to delete in one purge cycle
_kjac_purge_timeout 3600 FALSE IMMEDIATE LTXID_TRANS purge scheduler timeout
_kkpap_cache_plsql_result TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE cache result of PL/SQL functions for partition pruning
_kkpap_zm_pruning_cache TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE cache result of recursive zonemap partition pruning query
_kkporesetdn_multiplier 2 TRUE IMMEDIATE multiplier used when partitions are renumbered
_kkporesetdn_threshold 2100000 TRUE IMMEDIATE threshold for partition renumbering as part of online PMOs
_kks_always_check_bind_equivalence FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Check bind equivalence every time
_kks_max_open_cursors_dup_limit 5 TRUE IMMEDIATE number of duplicate cursors in open cursors that are acceptable
_kks_open_cursors_dump_summary_threshold 100 TRUE IMMEDIATE size to dump open cursors summary on max open cursors exceeded error
_kks_reuse_ful_child_cursor 3 FALSE IMMEDIATE allow reuse of child cursor marked with FUL flag
_kksfra_cap_stacks FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE capture stacks for setting kksfra
_kpdb_log_errors 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE log user errors in v$client_errors
_kpdb_perf_diag_subop_list 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE List of KPDB sub-ops to diagnose
_kpdb_perf_diag_subop_max_exec_time 30 TRUE IMMEDIATE Max allowed time (in sec) for KPDB sub-op to complete
_kql_disable_auto_commit FALSE TRUE IMMEDIATE Disable DDL auto commit in the session
_kql_verify_dependency_timestamps 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE verify dependency timestamps
_kqr_hot_copy_sample_size 1000000 FALSE IMMEDIATE number of mutex gets between periodic checks for hot objects
_kqr_hot_copy_sleep_limit 500 FALSE IMMEDIATE threshold of mutex sleeps to enable object hot copies
_kqr_max_hot_copies 16 FALSE IMMEDIATE upper limit of object hot copies allowed
_kqr_trace_options 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE kqr Trace Options (Default is all enabled)
_kra_obsolete_rule TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE disable or enable obsolete rule
_kse_snap_ring_record_min NONE FALSE FALSE minimize recorded information in error stack history
_ksfdx_tests   FALSE FALSE ksfdx testing - INTERNAL USE ONLY!
_ksfqp_row_count 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE row count of x$ksfqp
_ksi_disable_sopt TRUE FALSE FALSE if TRUE (default), disable s-optimization for specific row caches
_ksim_group_ops_req_async_mode auto TRUE IMMEDIATE ksim group membership async op mode
_ksim_group_ops_req_async_procsz 10 TRUE IMMEDIATE ksim group async req batch processing size
_ksim_group_ops_req_async_procsz_dyn_adjustment TRUE TRUE IMMEDIATE ksim group async req processing sz dynamic adjustment
_ksim_group_ops_req_opmode async TRUE IMMEDIATE ksim group join/leave op mode
_ksipc_ctrl_threshold_cnt   FALSE FALSE Configure IPC Control Threshold Count Value for clients on a per transport basis
_ksipc_ctrl_threshold_ms   FALSE FALSE Configure IPC Control Threshold Time (ms) Value for clients on a per transport basis
_ksipc_ipclw_rcvbuf_mb 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Configure IPCLW RCVBUF SIZE (in MB)
_ksipc_ipclw_wait_diag_ms 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE Configure IPCLW WAIT DIAG TIME (in MS)
_ksipc_netintr_timeout ipq.KSMSQ_UDP_TRANS=30 FALSE FALSE Specify the timeout for queueing network interrupt to a processon a per transport basis
_ksipc_rds_delay_ms 1000 FALSE IMMEDIATE Time(in ms) to wait for rds socket send buffers to be flushed
_ksmsq_conn_per_epoch 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSMSQ Connections Per Epoch
_ksnmon_max_flow 65535 FALSE FALSE KSNMON max number of flows monitored
_ksnmon_min_stats_interval_ms 5000 FALSE FALSE KSNMON min stats report interval in ms
_ksnmon_service_enable_bitmask 2147483647 FALSE FALSE KSNMON service enable (a bit per service)
_kspmx_enabled FALSE FALSE FALSE KSPMX Is Enabled
_kspmxs_flush_cache_size 1 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS flush cache size
_kspmxs_latch_freelists 0 FALSE FALSE Number of managed PMEM latch freelists
_kspmxs_latch_usid_map_size 256 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS latch usid map size
_kspmxs_max_regions 64 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS max regions
_kspmxs_max_waits 4 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS max waits
_kspmxs_txn_freelists 0 FALSE FALSE Number of PMEM transactions freelists
_kspmxs_upgrade_mutexes 64 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS upgrade mutex
_kspmxs_usid_map_size 1024 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS usid map size
_kspmxs_wait_buckets 1024 FALSE FALSE KSPMXS wait buckets
_ksr_control_dyn_flags 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE KSR dyanamic control flags
_ksr_control_flags 0 FALSE FALSE KSR control flags
_ksrk_dedicated_io_threads_pct 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE percentage of total io threads dedicated for PDBs
_ksrk_max_io_threads_pct 40 FALSE IMMEDIATE percentage of total "processes" the PubSub sub system can use as its io threads
_ksrk_pdbmax_io_thread_pct 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE Maximum number of IO threads a PDB can use
_ksrk_pga_limit_pct 40 FALSE IMMEDIATE percentage of total PGA that can be used by the bridge
_ksrk_pga_reclaim_pct 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE PGA usage threshold at which bridge starts reclaiming free extents from ksrk subheaps
_ksrk_sga_limit_pct 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE percentage of total SGA that can be used by KSRK
_kstrc_archiver disk://localhost FALSE IMMEDIATE KSTRC Backend archiver
_kstrc_bucket_max_size 2097152 FALSE FALSE Configure the max size of the trace bucket for each KSTRC Operation
_kstrc_max_operations 1024 FALSE FALSE Configure total max number of KSTRC operations available/in use
_kstrc_service_mask 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSTRC Service Mask
_ksu_proc_percent_target 50 FALSE IMMEDIATE dynamic process usage target
_ksu_proc_percent_threshold 70 FALSE IMMEDIATE dynamic process usage threshold
_ksws_alb_block_service FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable ALB Blocking of overloaded service
_ksws_alb_session_age 120 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS ALB Minimum age(seconds) of session to consider marking
_ksws_alb_test_delta_override 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS ALB total sessions after which service is blocked
_ksws_alb_test_drain_timeout 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS ALB time in seconds before draining kicks in
_ksws_alb_test_load_balance_frequency 300 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS ALB Load Balance Frequency in deci seconds
_ksws_alb_test_load_percent 106 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS ALB Load Percentage to trigger marking for draining
_ksws_alb_test_selection_bias 100 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS ALB percentage of sessions to target
_ksws_child_service_override FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS child service override
_ksws_clb_storm_count 15 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS CLB Goodness Changes Counter to trigger posting
_ksws_clb_storm_interval 500 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS CLB posting Interval to Listener
_ksws_coloc_control 1 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS Colocation control parameter
_ksws_enable_alb TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable ALB metrics processing
_ksws_fallback_to_root FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS Fallback to Root CDB service
_ksws_modsvc_call_out_enabled TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE modify service call out enabled
_ksws_perf_control 29 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS Performance control parameter
_ksws_perf_tracing 0 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS Performance Diagnostics and Monitoring
_ksws_smart 29 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS Smart Feature Control
_ksws_smart_frequency 900 FALSE IMMEDIATE KSWS Smart Publishing Frequency in deci seconds
_ksws_use_placement_template_attribute FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE use placement_template attribute
_kswsas_pdb_auto_close_timeout 600 FALSE IMMEDIATE Close a PDB after the timeout
_ksxp_allow_ksxr_rolling_migration TRUE FALSE FALSE Allow KSXR operations during rolling migration
_ksxp_poll_netintr_timeout 3600 FALSE IMMEDIATE ksxp poll network interrupt timeout in seconds
_ksz_dummy_parameter FALSE FALSE FALSE Internal spare parameter for ksz.c
_ksz_dummy_parameter2 FALSE FALSE FALSE Internal spare parameter2 for ksz.c
_ksz_fake_mga_check_range 10 FALSE IMMEDIATE ksz fake mga status check random range
_ksz_fake_mga_mode FALSE FALSE IMMEDIATE enable ksz fake MGA mode
_kts_dbg 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE KTS Generic Debug
_ktsl_dbg 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Debug Securefile space layer features
_ktsls_autoshrink_seg_idle_seconds 86400 FALSE IMMEDIATE automatic securefile shrink segment idle seconds
_ktsls_autoshrink_seg_pen_seconds 86400 FALSE IMMEDIATE automatic securefile shrink segment penalty seconds
_ktsls_autoshrink_trickle_mb 128 FALSE IMMEDIATE automatic securefile shrink trickle mb
_ktst_dbg 0 TRUE IMMEDIATE Kernel Transaction Temporary Sort management Debug
_ktte_ts_shrink_group 6 FALSE IMMEDIATE tablespace shrink group
_ktte_ts_shrink_interval 3600 FALSE IMMEDIATE tablespace shrink interval
_kttets_ignore_free_space FALSE FALSE FALSE Should x$kttets ignore storage free space for max
_kxs_library_cache_stats TRUE FALSE IMMEDIATE Library cache statistics for shared cursors




前回の記事:Oracle19cと23cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その3~