

Oracle19cと23cの隠しパラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その1~

前回Oracle Databaseの初期化パラメータについて19cと23cの比較を行ったが、19cと21cでもやった様に、今度は隠しパラメータの比較を行ってみた。



19cと21cで比較した時と同様に、隠しパラメータはshow parameterやV$PARAMETERでは確認できないため、下記のようなSQLでX$表を確認した。

SELECT a.ksppinm "Parameter",
       b.ksppstdf "IS_DEFAULT",
       b.ksppstdfl "Default Value",
       b.ksppstvl "Session Value",
       c.ksppstvl "Instance Value",
       decode(bitand(a.ksppiflg/256,1),1,'TRUE','FALSE') IS_SESSION_MODIFIABLE,
       decode(bitand(a.ksppiflg/65536,3),1,'IMMEDIATE',2,'DEFERRED',3,'IMMEDIATE','FALSE') IS_SYSTEM_MODIFIABLE,
       a.ksppdesc DESCRIPTION
FROM   x$ksppi a,
       x$ksppcv b,
       x$ksppsv c
WHERE  a.indx = b.indx
AND    a.indx = c.indx
AND    a.ksppinm LIKE '/_%' escape '/'


Oracle 隠しパラメータの問い合わせおよび変更方法 - Oracle 10g以降 (ドキュメントID 2563436.1)



差分確認に使用したOracle Databaseのバージョンは以下の通り。




  1. 23cでは廃止されているパラメータ  ← 今回はココ
  2. 19cと23cでデフォルト値が異なるパラメータ
  3. 19cと23cで設定可能範囲が変更されているパラメータ
  4. 19cと23cでパラメータ名が変わった様に見えるパラメータ
  5. 19c→23cで新規登場したパラメータ




パラメータ名 パラメータ概要
_arch_sim_mode Change behavior of local archiving
_asm_enable_parity_datafile_creation Enable parity datafiles creation
_auto_start_pdb_services Automatically start all PDB services on PDB Open
_bct_initial_private_dba_buffer_size initial number of entries in the private change tracking dba buffers
_bug29274428_modsvc_call_out_enabled one-hundred-and-forty-third spare parameter - boolean
_cell_offload_backup_compression enable offload of backup compression to cells
_ctx_doc_policy_stems enable ctx_doc.policy_stems api
_dedicated_server_poll_count dedicated server poll count
_dedicated_server_post_wait dedicated server post/wait
_dedicated_server_post_wait_call dedicated server post/wait call
_disable_flashback_archiver disable flashback archiver
_disable_thread_snapshot Thread snapshot
_enable_auto_upgrade Enable automatic PDB upgrade
_enable_ffw FAL FORWARDING
_gc_async_receive if TRUE, receive blocks asynchronously
_gc_undo_block_disk_reads if TRUE, enable undo block disk reads
_gc_xmem_rdma if TRUE, xmem blocks rdma read is enabled
_group_partition_data_for_impdp_ok data pump import allows DATA_OPTIONS=GROUP_PARTITION_DATA
_hang_enable_nodeeviction Enable Hang Manager node eviction
_hang_long_wait_time_threshold Long session wait time threshold in seconds
_hcs_disable_cell_qry_meas_prune_opt apply measure prune optimization to cell query
_hcs_disable_cell_qry_tmpls no cell query templates for optimization
_hcs_disable_hord_in_oby_prune prune levels if HIER_ORDER referenced only in ORDER BY
_hcs_disable_jback_opt_for_hord_in_oby optimize analytic view joinback for HIER_ORDER
_hcs_disable_level_prune_gby perform level pruning in group by
_hcs_disable_level_prune_vis_lvs perform level pruning from visible leaves
_hcs_disable_pushed_preds_in_gen_sql push sql query predicates into hierarchy targets
_hcs_disable_rmv_unref_top_opt apply remove unref top blocks optimization to cell query
_hcs_disable_sp_jback_opt optimize single parent joinback
_hcs_disable_tgt_depths_opt apply target depths optimization
_hcs_enable_auto_av_cache use dynamic across all levels cache
_hcs_enable_dynamic_cache enable/disable av cache DYNAMIC definition
_hcs_enable_mem_trck enable memory tracking
_hcs_enable_multi_parent_gen generate hcs query using multi-parent aggregation
_hcs_enable_parse_auto_av_cache allow parsing of dynamic across all levels cache
_ipddb_enable Enable IPD/DB data collection
_kdli_sio_fgio reap asynchronous IO in the foreground
_kernel_message_network_driver kernel message network driver
_kgl_message_locks RAC message lock count
_kkpo_ctb_allow_vpd allow VPD predicates in recursive SQL under CREATE TABLE
_krpm_trace_buffer_size size of per-process mira trace buffer
_ksipc_ipclw_spare_param1 ksipc ipclw spare parameter 1
_ksipc_trace_bucket memory tracing: use ksipc-private or rdbms-shared bucket
_ksipc_trace_bucket_size KSIPC trace bucket size in bytes (format: "IPC0:-REST:")
_ksxp_disable_rolling_migration disable possibility of starting rolling migration
_limit_itls limit the number of ITLs in OLTP Compressed Tables
_lock_dc_users_time max time to attempt to lock dc_users
_log_archive_avoid_memcpy log archive avoid memcpy
_optimizer_auto_index_allow Controls Auto Index
_optimizer_quarantine_sql enable use of sql quarantine
_part_access_version_by_number use version numbers to access versioned objects for partitioning
_pga_detail_combine_auto combine auto and manual PGA memory detail snapshots
_redo_transport_catch_up_bandwidth_percentage redo transport catch up bandwitdth percent
_reset_maxcap_history reset maxcap history periods
_securefiles_increase_hbb securefiles increase hbb
_session_fast_lrg_prediction use short interval for session SO prediction
_session_prediction_interval session SO prediction interval
_session_use_linear_prediction use session SO lin-reg prediction
_session_use_periodic_prediction use session SO periodic prediction
_show_mgd_recovery_state Show internal managed recovery state
_size_of_status_table modifying this hidden parameter, will modify the sizeof the v$gcr_status table
_so_max_inc SO max inc
_sysdate_at_dbtimezone return SYSDATE at database timezone
_ta_lns_wait_for_arch_log LNS Wait time for archived version of ORL
_tablespace_encryption_default_algorithm default tablespace encryption block cipher mode
_unified_audit_flush_interval Unified Audit SGA Queue Flush Interval
_unified_audit_flush_threshold Unified Audit SGA Queue Flush Threshold
_workload_attributes_spare_param connect string workload behavior spare param


  • auto_start_pdb_services
  • ipddb_enable
  • sysdate_at_dbtimezone
  • tablespace_encryption_default_algorithm




前回の記事:Oracle19cと23cの初期化パラメータの差分について調べてみた ~その2~